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tlnet: minimalist http service framework for go [中文]

  • The main purpose is to make http development simpler and the code cleaner
  • Provides basic http functions. Including GET, PUT, POST, etc
  • Implement interceptor, including regular matching intercept url and other interception functions
  • Supports websocket, and implementing websocket services is extremely simple
  • Tlnet follows the usage logic of native gohttp, so migrating native http to tlnet is extremely easy
  • Tlnet follows the go native route and the performance is determined by the current go version of http

Basic use cases:

tlnet := NewTlnet() 
tlnet.GET("/g", getFunc)       //http get request
tlnet.POST("/p", postFunc)   //http post request
tlnet.HandleStatic("/js", "/html/js", nil) //static resource access

func getFunc(hc *HttpContext) {
    logging.Debug(hc.ReqInfo)  //Print http request information
    logging.Debug(hc.GetParam("name"))  //Prints the value of the parameter "name"
    hc.ResponseString("hello tlnet")  //Return string to client:hello tlnet

func postFunc(hc *HttpContext) {
    hc.ResponseString("hello tlnet") 

Interceptor use cases:

tlnet := NewTlnet() 
tlnet.GET("/g", getFunc)       //http get request
tlnet.POST("/p", postFunc)   //http post request
tlnet.Handle("/", func(hc *HttpContext) {hc.ResponseString("hi,123")) })   //tlnet general processing method
tlnet.HandleWithFilter("/",interceptFilter("[a-z]"),func(hc *HttpContext) {hc.ResponseString("hi,123")) })   //interceptFilter() is Interceptor
//Static resource access service
tlnet.HandleStatic("/js", "/html/js", nil)
tlnet.HandleStaticWithFilter("/", "./", notAllow("(.go)$"), nil)  //notAllow() block go file access

func getFunc(hc *HttpContext) {
    hc.ResponseString("hello tlnet")  

func postFunc(hc *HttpContext) {
    hc.ResponseString("hello tlnet")  

func interceptFilter(pattern string) (f *Filter) {
    f = NewFilter()
    f.AddIntercept(pattern, func(hc *HttpContext) bool {
    hc.ResponseString("be intercepted")
    return true // If true is returned, handlerFunc in HandleWithFilter is not executed, and if false is executed

// This custom interceptor is designed to disallow access to go files: (.go)$
func notAllow(pattern string) (f *Filter) {
    f = NewFilter()
    f.AddIntercept(pattern, func(hc *HttpContext) bool {
    hc.ResponseBytes(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, []byte(hc.ReqInfo.Uri+" not allow"))
    return true // If true is returned, handlerFunc in HandleWithFilter is not executed, and if false is executed

websocket usage:

tlnet := NewTlnet() 
tlnet.HandleWebSocket("/ws", websocketFunc)  

var wsmap = make(map[int64]*HttpContext, 0)
func websocketFunc(hc *HttpContext) {
//Each websocket has an id, a unique identifier
    wsId := hc.WS.Id
    msg := string(hc.WS.Read())  //  hc.WS.Read() Read client request data
    _, ok := wsmap[wsId]
    if !ok {
        if msg == "123456" {
            wsmap[wsId] = hc
            hc.WS.Send(fmt.Sprint("id=", wsId))  //Send data to the client
    //receive client message
    hc.WS.Send("What you sent was:" + msg)
    for k, v := range wsmap {
        if k != wsId {
            v.WS.Send(fmt.Sprint("this is a message from【", wsId, "】:", msg))

Advanced use cases for tlnet:

tlnet.SetMaxBytesReader((1 << 20) * 50) //means:websocket body size maximum limit: 50m
tlnet.HandleWebSocketBindOrigin("/ws", "http://tlnet/", websocketFunc)  //set Origin
tlnet.HandleWebSocketBindConfig("/ws3", websocketFunc, newWebsocketConfig()) //Implement a websocket config
tlnet.AddHandlerFunc("/aaa", nil, func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request){})  // interface to go http native handler
tlnet.AddStaticHandler("/", "./", nil, nil)//Static Resources interface to go http native handler
tlnet.ReadTimeout(10 * time.Second) //read timeout
tlnet.HttpStartTLS(":8000",certFile, keyFile)  //TLS by file
tlnet.HttpStartTlsBytes(":8000",certFileBs, keyFileBs) //TLS by bytes
tlnet.Close()  //close tlnet service